Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Day Carter

Yesterday and today were both amazing! Yesterday we watched a movie called The Sandlot on a huge tv outside by the beach on wooden benches. When were were on the way back to the dinghy to get to our boat we saw 2 huge fishing boats. They both had bright lights that shone down into the water that attracted fish. They looked like barracudas with yellow fins but we found out they were huge sea bass. For dinner last night I had a brick oven pizza that had pepperoni and Italian sausage on it. I also ate calamari for the second time and it was good. It is like little tiny squid. The cool part will be tomorrow, well, one cool part anyway! We are going to scuba dive at the RMS Rhone. Thanksgiving today was really fun. All of the food was really good. I now have 2 favorite Thanksgiving Days. One was when my mom and dad took me to the Chiefs game and now my all time favorite is being here in the BVI on vacation. I am lucky!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Manchioneel Bay, Cooper Island November 25

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