Saturday, November 27, 2010

Getting Sad/Griffin

Today was great! Some of us went snorkeling, (Chop, Courtney, Britton, my dad and I), and we saw tons of fish. We saw trumpet fish and rainbow fish and a lot of others. The highlight of my day was the "feast" so to speak. It was awesome! We had turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, bread, green beans, stuffing, cranberry slices, and are now getting ready to have pumpkin and apple pies. The mom's made it for us. Tomorrow should be really fun. We are motoring over to the dive sight of the Rhone where we are going to go diving. We have to leave early, as soon as Chop & Courtney wake up. I almost forgot to tell you about last night. We were in Gorda Sound still and we went to the Pizza and Pub and had dinner. When we were done we watched The Sandlot on a big screen and then walked down a dock with 2 huge fishing boats on them. The boats had lights shining down into the water. It attracted really big sea bass. We couldn't figure out what they were but my mom asked a dock worker and he told us.

I am starting to get sad because we are starting to get to the end of this trip. I am so happy that I was able to come on this once in a lifetime trip! I hope I can come again some time over my lifetime.

Posted in parts by: Griffin Hey in the BVI

Location:Manchioneel Bay, Cooper Island November 25

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