Wednesday, November 17, 2010

20 Questions - Carter

What is your name?
How old are you?
Have you been to the BVI before?
What are you most looking forward to?
Warm weather and seeing cool fish.
How do you think it will be with 9 people on a boat for 9 days?
Kind-of crowded but easy.
What do you think it will be like?  Describe what you think you will see.
We will see tons of fish and have fun.
What do you think you will see when you are scuba diving?
Coral and fish
How do you think traveling to and from the BVI will be?
Long and boring
What will you do on the plane?
I will play my iPod and watch a movie.
What types of fish do you think you will see while snorkeling and diving?
What fish/creature do you most want to see?
Estimate the number of different types of fish you think you will see.
What job will you have on the boat?
I will help raise the sails.
What do you want your nickname to be on the boat (your boat-name)?
I don't want one.
Do you have a boat-name suggestion for anyone else?
What do you think swimming with the dolphins will be like?
Fun and exciting.
Will anyone accidentally fall in?  Who?
I don't think anyone will fall in.
How many sunny days will we have?
Most of them.
What will you miss most while you are away from home?
I don't know.
What do you want to eat?  Drink?

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