Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Cool Day at the Baths/Carter

Today was my favorite day so far! We went to the Baths in Virgin, it was so fun! The Baths are huge boulders, and some are bigger than a house! Huge caves were formed by the boulders that we crawled though. Some spots we had to squat and crawl through and other spots we could stand up. A couple of spots some walls were formed that we climbed up. When we got to the top of one there was a tree with leaves that we etched our name in. It will leave a scar in the leaf that you could find if you came back. In that same spot there was a really cool view of the ocean. We also get to go to a huge seafood buffet tonight. I can't wait!
My thumb is getting better today. During the night it didn't get stiff at all. Yesterday afternoon I saw a big yacht and a huge cruise ship that had 5 sails. It has been cool to see all the different types of boats on the ocean. I hope it isn't as windy tonight and tomorrow!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Virgin Gorda 11/22/10


  1. Sounds like you guys are having a great time!! Really enjoy reading these blog posts, Carter! Can't wait to read more!!

    Love you guys!!

    -- Uncle Mac

  2. Hi to all. The pictures are great. Dixie is enjoying her early morning walks. Love, GG

  3. Looks really cool. Windy here, but temp is a little colder!!

    Love, Auntie

  4. Soooo jealous. It seems like just yesterday I was there. Have Fun:)

    Cindy Fleming
