Sunday, November 21, 2010

Britton's Marina Cay Day

We all woke up & went to the breakfast buffet. Then the moms & I went to the store while the boys did the boat checkout. Once we got back from the store we unloaded all of the groceries and got ready to leave. It was really choppy & windy so the boat was about as uneven as it could get, (that made my stomach hurt). Then after sailing 2 1/2 hours full sail & 20 knot winds and mistakes with the ropes, we really finished our first sail! Then while the dads were all hooking up to a mooring , Shannon with her eagle like eye sight saw a humongous sea turtle. Though sadly, we did not have enough time to take a picture before it quickly & smoothly stuck itself back under the water, (so cool"!). Then we ate sandwiches for lunch. After lunch we took the dinghy and went snorkeling. Below is a list of everything I saw in Marina Cay.
Trumpet Fish

Horse-eye Jack
Rainbow Parrot Fish
Juvenile Angel Fish
Long Spined Sea Urchin
Blue Chromis
Blue Tang
Stoplight Parrot Fish
Smooth Trunk Fish

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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