Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Scuba - Nick

Today was by far my favorite day of the vacation. We first sailed over to Salt Island and rested for an hour or so before the dive boat came. When it arrived, we got out briefing and received out equipment. After that, we submerged. Underwater was like a whole different world.

When I reached the bottom the first thing I saw was a huge sea turtle. After it disappeared, I saw maybe 30 other species of fish from tube-like trumpetfish to the fat Bermuda chub. The group and I swam the ruins of the Rhone for about 45 minutes, all the while looking at the amazing view. Finally, I started to run low on air and the group returned to the surface. We then listened to the Rhone's story and gave back our gear. We then sailed past Dead Chest Island to Norman Island where we sadly ended our day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:The Wreck of the Rhone, Salt Island

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