Saturday, October 23, 2010

Nick - Open-Water Checkout

On my trip to Arkansas many things happened; my sister started the trip sick, I got certified in scuba diving and all the time I was with my friends Carter and Griffin.  Because of them, I wasn't nervous.

The day we left for Arkansas started out great, we met up with Carter and Griffin and set off.  We watched movies and looked at the scenery on the way and finally reached the hotel.

The next morning our scuba certification started and I was ready with my gear set up in the water.  About 20 minutes later, my instructor was ready and I put my gear on and waded out into the lake.  Minutes later, I submerged.  Under the water it was so clear I could see at least 15 feet all around me.  It was breath-taking!  The instructors were strict, but nice and I saw lots of bass and bluegill.

We woke up at 7:00 the next morning and left for the second day of certificaiton.  My friends and I set up our gear and soon I was underway again.  "Today I will succeed," I said to myself that sunny day at Beaver Lake.  So succeed I did!  I passed the written exam last spring and now I had passed the open-water test at Beaver Lake. 

I am now absolutely confident with my mad scuba skills, I just can't wait for our trip to the British Virgin Islands, it will be awesome!

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