Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Our Adventure in Rhyme

We all woke up early for our morning flight out
BVI bound we were ready to shout!

We made it to Charlotte, spread our tickets on the ground
Reassigning our seats - kids together, no adults around.

We checked bags in San Juan then went on to our gate
Ate pizza and did homework on our four-hour wait.

But when island-bound plane was finally readied board
They called Newcomer and Hey, Nelson was ignored.

The Nelsons approached but were told they must wait
Surprised and confused, we learned the plane was over-weight.

At the end of the boarding, the attendant called from the door
But just three tickets were offered, where was number four?

She said she would try to get John on board too
But we boarded without him, what else could we do?

We followed the path to the turbo-prop plane
Looked back and saw John, together again.

We made it to Tortola, Beef Island to be exact
Customs waved us through, the pumpkin pie mix was intact.

We walked out of the airport into the island air
And climbed aboard the jitney that the Moorings had sent there.

On the left side of the road, it was a bumpy, hilly ride
Creeping up like on a coaster, flying down the other side!

We checked in at the marina and piled up all our gear
"No Horizon, what you mean mon? That boat, she isn't here."

We settled in on "Vivo Libre" with crackers and cheese
Until the kids' eyes glazed over, "Is it bedtime yet, please?"

Later we searched for "No Horizon" she was just down the way
Trash out on her deck, who was aboard, we couldn't say.

We awoke the next morning to a warm island day
The boys had the briefing, the girls shopped and paid.

Upon returning with supplies, the three boys were not around
John and Brent had looked, Britton found them with a movie in the bow.

We finally motored out into a windy sea and raised the sails
The boat heeled over right away to the sound of whoops and wails!

We sailed for Marina Cay, all learning the ropes
And picked up a mooring, it was all we had hoped.

A late lunch and snorkel were on the schedule next
Then back to the boat to rinse off and rest.

Brit liked the trunkfish, the stoplight parrotfish for Nick,
Sea cucumber for Carter, sergeant majors were Griffin's pick.

Then as we were listing all the fish that we saw,
A pelican flew over and landed on our bow.

He dove and he circled and he perched there once again
We watched and took photos of our new feathered friend.

The next day after breakfast we dinghied ashore
We posed by the phone booth and posted some more.

We sailed to Monkey Point and saw fishes galore
And with our cuttlefish sighting, we added one more.

To the beach for some swimming as dinner drew near
We got some cultural education when a skinny-dipper appeared.

Dinner at the restaurant, lobster for Griffin and Nick
Then back to the boat for bed after we posted quick.

Off to the yacht harbor, the trip wasn't long
We chose to motor over; the winds were still strong.

Docking was tricky, but we got in and secured
Lots to explore, but showers held the most allure.

We soon all piled into our Speedy's rental car
Off to explore the Baths, we were glad it wasn't far!

The rocks were amazing,we climbed and frolicked in the surf
Until Britton took a tumble, scraped but not too hurt.

We later took shore showers, rocky but we got clean
For Little Dix we dressed up and the boys all wore their Keens.

Nick most liked the sushi, Carter raved about prime rib
Griffin enjoyed everything, I don't know where it fit!

Britton ate her dinner but the desserts were what impressed
The buffet lived up to all the hype; Little Dix is best!

A relaxing morning in the harbor, we stocked up on supplies
We anchored then at George Dog over a barracuda of great size.

We snorkeled from the dinghy and drifted our way back
But the 'cuda blocked the ladder, we feared he would attack!

We had a wild, windy sail on into Gorda Sound
A photographer caught it from his dinghy zippin' all around.

Over to Prickly Pear beach to hang out in the sun
We played ball and we snorkeled finding starfish, it was fun.

We were running low on water, we motored in for a refill
Leaving Brent in the dinghy on the mooring; we'd already paid the bill.

That night we dined ashore on casual pub fare
Then watched sea bass from the dock and a movie in the open air.

We sailed out through the channel and down wind wing and wing
Learned the meaning of "jibe ho!" first hand when across the mainsail zinged!

On to Manchioneel Bay where we moored for just one night
John checked out the snorkeling and deemed it was alright.

We saw a lot of cool fish, as the kids say, "it was beast!"
Then returned for Thanksgiving dinner, aptly named "The Feast."

Turkey, stuffing and gravy, potatoes, green beans piled high
We ate bread and good cranberries, even apple and pumpkin pie!

Thankful for good friends and our families back at home
We all went to bed early for our dive the next day on the Rhone.

We woke the next morning after a rough, rocky night
And motored to Salt Island to meet Dive BVI.

Our group all suited up, our dive masters led the way
We explored the shallow part of the wreck and the coral where it lay.

We rubbed the lucky porthole and saw fish to our delight
Learned the tragic history and the common phrase, "sleep tight."

Brent and John dove a second time on another nearby reef
They found lobsters and a nurse shark, beauty beyond belief.

We passed by Peter Island, no room to anchor near it's shore
And headed on to Norman Isle of "Treasure Island" lore.

We snorkeled in the shallows, saw fish, turtles and a ray
John even found his octopus, but it wouldn't come out to play.

We awoke to our last morning, all wishing we could stay
Raised our sails up in the harbor, showing off, were on our way.

A perfect sail into Road Harbor, the Vivo Libre's home
Then off to swim with dolphins, we all adventure on!

We pet them, did the foot push and watched them do flips
A short stop in Puerto Rico rounded out our trip.

Now it's on home to Kansas aboard two different jets
Back to our own beds, and our families and pets.

So hard to leave, it's good to be home too
Longing to go back again and all hoping it's soon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:BVI, 2010